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  • Gary Turner on

    I love when people with experience of any level can share ideas freely. I appreciate when a pedal manufacturer can take time to teach people, what may seem simple. I can look at schematics and pictures all day but seeing things been done and explained teaches me far easier

  • Ted Lightman on

    Brian- super useful video on the Zen Drive regarding altering components. Would love to see more like this- also getting into what various IC’s do and how to tweak them.

    Also, could be fun to get a video of common modding mistakes, components that don’t do well in pedals and why, tweaks that almost always will result in a ‘bad’ sound, or cause epic pedal fails. It’s really helpful to learn what NOT to do! (I’ve already learned quite a bit from failed builds all by myself in this regard, FWIW.).

    Thanks again!


  • Lagarto on

    Would like like a video on merits of various types of overdrive – distortion circuits: IC + diodes, cascaded JFETS, CMOS, etc.

  • Bill McKeown on

    Thanks for putting up quality content 😁

  • Russ Stedman on

    I started building clones about a year ago. this is exactly what I need to jump to the next level of modding/designing. Great Idea! Thanks Brian!

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